School Update

Dear Parent/ Guardian
Today, Monday 16th March all schools in Northern Ireland received guidance from Mr Peter Weir, Minister of Education, stating that “schools will continue to stay open until such time as expert scientific advice changes.”
The Board of Governors and SLT (Senior Leadership Team) of Holy Cross College met this afternoon and agreed the following:
All timetabled classes for Key Stages 3, 4 & 5 will be suspended during the days; Wednesday 18th, Thursday 19th & Friday 20th March 2020.
These three days will be reported to the Department of Education as rescheduled Staff Development Days.
Staff will attend work on these three days to follow the Dept. of Education guidance that “all schools should be preparing a work schedule for their pupils in the event of a school closure, to cover a minimum of four weeks.”
SLT and the Chair of the Board of Governors will meet on Friday 20th March to review our particular circumstances and agree operational details for the week beginning Monday 23rd March 2020.
We will keep you up-dated regarding further developments as soon as we have any information.
In the meantime, during this difficult time we advise that you continue to follow Public Health Agency Guidelines regarding health and safety.
Yours sincerely
Mrs C Bradley