KS3 Citizenship
Citizenship is a component of Learning for Life and Work and is a compulsory subject for all at Key Stage 3 and 4.
Local and Global Citizenship involves discussing controversial issues surrounding diversity, equality and justice, democracy and active participation. Pupils have opportunities to identify and clarify their own values and attitudes. They also learn how to recognise, understand and manage their emotions and behaviour in different situations.
This subject can give you the knowledge and skills you need in order to play an active role in society and how to participate positively in our democracy. The main aims of Local and Global Citizenship are to prepare you to play a full role as an informed and responsible citizen and to have an awareness of global issues.
Local and Global Citizenship is based on the following themes, which are addressed in local, national and global contexts:
Human Rights and Social Responsibility
Diversity and Inclusion
Equality and Social Justice
Democracy and Active Participation
Citizenship has relevance to careers in Law, Politics, Government, Journalism, Human Rights, Human Resources and Health and Social Care to name a few.
KS4 Citizenship
Pupils can complete a Certificate in Preparation for Adult Life (Level 1 or Level 2). It is externally assessed through the completion of thirteen portfolio-based units of study, including modules from Citizenship, Employability and Personal Development. The Citizenship units covered include:
Unit 1: Diversity and Social Inclusion
Unit 2: Democracy and Democratic Participation
Unit 3: Human Rights and Social Responsibility
Unit 4: Equality and Social Justice
Mrs R. Conlon