Holy Cross College offer both the Duke of Edinburgh and the Gaisce Awards. There are many benefits of doing the award as well as giving students the edge when they apply for college, university or a job. More importantly, students will have lots of fun, grow in confidence and develop valuable skills. As they journey through the course, they will also meet new people, who will inspire them, leading to lasting friendships.
Students can do programmes at three levels, which when completed, lead to a Bronze, Silver or Gold, Duke of Edinburgh’s or Gaisce Award.
The award is achieved by completing a personal programme of activities in four sections (five if working towards Gold) – Volunteering, Physical, Skills, Expedition and for Gold, a Residential.
In short, students will help people or the community, get fitter, develop skills, go on an expedition and take part in a residential activity (Gold only).
How do students complete the sections?
Students choose their own activity for each section other than the Expedition. It is their personal responsibility to find and complete these activities – we can advise students but students must work independently. Each activity must be assessed and signed off by someone qualified in that activity and who is not a family member.
See these links for ideas on how to complete each section:

What's the cost of doing the award?
The cost of participating in the programme is £40 for Bronze, £60 for Silver and £80 for Gold.
This includes Training, Practice and Qualifying expeditions, the Log Book, insurance, and all group equipment. Food and personal equipment are not included.
How long does it take and what are the requirements?
Bronze: you must be 14 years old, completion over a minimum 6 months. 2 day/1 night training, 2 day/1 night practice expedition, 2 day/1 night qualifying expedition
Silver: you must be 15 years old, completion over a minimum 12 months. 2 day/1 night training, 2 day/2 night practice expedition, 3 day/2 night qualifying expedition
Gold: you must be 16 years old, completion over a minimum 18 months. 2 day/1 night training, 3 day/2 night practice expedition, 4 day/3 night qualifying expedition, plus Residential.
Who can take part?
Students in Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5.
If you are interested or have questions, contact
Mrs Maria Horsburgh.
Duke of Edinburgh co-ordinator.