It can be said that no art or communication form is as influential, powerful or prolific in the modern era as the art of Moving Images. From film and television programming to advertising and web streaming, it’s a medium that resonates with people because its combination of all other art forms (performance, visual, physical, musical, lyrical, textual) most closely approximates the limitless creativity of our own dreams.
“Film as dream, film as music. No art passes our conscience in the way film does and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls”.
- Ingmar Bergman, Director
The MIA Team
Mr C Mullin

Department Oveview
Moving Image Arts is an exciting and engaging subject running for the last ten years in the College. The college offers Moving Image Arts at GCSE and AS/A2 level. We have celebrated success consistently in the CCEA Showcase Awards with our pupils receiving First in GCSE animation, Second in GCSE Live Action and two pupils awarded joint third in the A2 Live Action category last year.
Moving Image Arts is a course of study and practice in filmmaking where students will develop creativity, knowledge and skills in the production of their own film portfolios. They will study a wide range of films and practitioners to inform their own ideas and will acquire skills in screenwriting, directing, camera work, lighting, production design, editing and sound, creating detailed, illustrated evidence of their research, planning and design work.
Component 1: Critical Understanding of Creative and Technical Moving Image Production – External online examination, 1 hr 30 mins, 40% weighting, available Summer only
Component 2: Acquisition of Skills in Moving Image Production - Controlled assessment, four skills-based tasks (released annually in a task stimulus booklet), submitted in digital format, 20% weighting, available Summer only
Component 3: Planning and Making a Moving Image Product – Controlled assessment, production of a live action or animated lm portfolio based on a genre stimulus scenario, submitted in digital format, 40% weighting, available Summer only
AS Level
AS 1
Realist and Formalist Techniques and the Classical Hollywood Style: Foundation Portfolio
You will produce a Foundation Portfolio exploring the Classical Hollywood Style, Realism and/or Formalism, including:
• a statement of intention (including a synopsis and an evaluation);
• pre-production materials; and
• one 3–4 minute narrative film sequence (or 11⁄2–2 minute sequence if animated) produced in response to stimulus provided by CCEA.
The portfolio will be marked by teachers and moderated by CCEA
AS 2
Critical Response
You will sit an Online Examination (1 hour 30 minutes) requiring shorter recall and longer analytical answers in response to unseen film clips taken from the set study areas.
The exam will be set and marked by CCEA.
A2 Level
A2 1
Creative Production and Research: Advanced Portfolio
You will produce an Advanced Portfolio exploring your own original creative idea and researching the techniques of a chosen film practitioner, including:
• an illustrated essay (including a synopsis and an evaluation);
• pre-production materials; and
• one complete 4–7 minute narrative film (or 2–31⁄2 minute film if animated).
The portfolio will be marked by teachers and moderated by CCEA.
A2 2
Advanced Critical Response
You will sit an Online Examination (2 hours 15 minutes) requiring analytical answers in response to unseen film clips taken from the set study areas. You will also draft director’s notes in response to an unseen script stimulus.
The exam will be set and marked by CCEA.
The rapid growth of digital and online media means that there is great demand for moving image content worldwide, not only in the film, TV and gaming industries, but also in a wide number of other areas, including PR, marketing, advertising and journalism.
A GCE in Moving Image Arts can therefore introduce you to many exciting and enterprising fields, giving you the confidence to then build your knowledge further in the area that interests you most.
Moving Image Arts provides the opportunity to build specific technical knowledge alongside a wide range of impressive transferable skills for employment including creative enterprise, team work, problem-solving, communication, leadership and organisation. As a result this qualification will equip you with a valuable knowledge and skills base to help you to progress to both third level education and the world of work.
If you are specifically interested in a career in film or television, Moving Image Arts is an excellent way to build a presentable portfolio of work and experience that clearly demonstrates evidence of your creativity, technical skill and potential. This evidence can be very advantageous when attending competitive interviews for jobs or higher education places.
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